Hi Ya'll
I couldn't resist sharing this. I have managed to integrate the Nicedit rich text editor with the Wonderwall for Moodle 1.9 and Moodle 2.2.
What this means is, now, I can post RICH TEXT updates onto the wall. What's rich text? Imagine multi-coloured, multi-sized and multi-font updates on the wall. How does this sound to you?
I. Nicedit Wonderwall Integration - Moodle 1.9.x
I've managed to integrated a rich-text editor, NicEdit, with the WonderWall.
Username: studentscm
Password: studentscm
Messages now allow for, amongst other things,
1. Multicoloured (for creative messages)
2. Multiformatted
3. full embed code of
a. Youtube
b. Vimeo
c. Google Maps
d. Scribd
e. Slideshare
4. Embedding of image URLs

II. Nicedit Wonderwall Integration - Moodle 2.x
Users of Moodle 2.x can also benefit from the wall as a cool, creative and innovative pedagogical tool for online classes or E-Learning. I've ported the code over to my Moodle 2.2 production site. It should also work on Moodle 2.3.
III. Icons on the Nicedit panel
I managed to also reduce the distraction of the icons on the Nicedit panel. I did this in several ways.
(1) Reduce the colour contrast of the icons - they now look more cloudy with a grayish hue.
(2) Reduced the number of icons displayed (I had to edit the nicEdit.js file to do this)
(3) Reduced the font colour of the display text of the Font Size, Family and Style drop-down selection boxes
The result is a customised Nicedit panel, that looks like the image above. I changed the textarea colour to yellow so that it would match the on-focus dark yellow border. I also wanted to focus the user on the edit box, not on the icons. The icons have been intentionally dimmed to achieve a minimalistic, low-profile and less conspicuous look. Al this whilst maintaining an almost full edit functionality.
Interested in setting up your own Wonderwall? I'm selling the copies of the Wall code, if you are interested.
Well, that's all for now. Until we meet again, have fun exploring the new textarea edit box with the NicEdit
Frankie Kam