How would you like to have a Hobby field show up in the Participants List in Moodle 2? Well it can be done! Charles Kelly of had shown how it could be done in Moodle 1.9 here. The purpose of my blog post today, is to show you how to do it for your Moodle 2.x (tested on 2.4) site. I had previously blogged about doing the hack for Moodle 1.9 post here. The good news is that it's easier to do this for Moodle 2.x.
What’s the benefit of doing this? In my humble opinion, knowing that you come from Wellington or Kuantan is not as interesting as knowing that you have a liking for Psy, Bradfort City Football Club or rearing Beagle pups. How can we do this? In Moodle 2.x, you just need to do one mandatory step.
- Firstly, change the City field’s display name to “Hobby / Interest / Free Time”.
- Secondly (this step is optional), modify the length of City field from an already generous 120 characters to N characters.
Figure 1. What the Participants List looks like. Note that some users had earlier typed their City data since I only recently implemented the hack.