Mikhail Tal (November 9, 1936 – June 28, 1992)
Can Moodle be used to teach chess principles online? I believe it can. If you have or are thinking about setting up a Moodle page on chess, I recommend you take a look at PhpChess. This software allows you to create a Chess Management System, complete with an A.I. chess player for games.
I recently took the challenge to install phpchess version 4.1 on my web server.
I recently took the challenge to install phpchess version 4.1 on my web server.
Installation is quite straightforward. You can see it in action here:
Username: frankiePassword: chessENJOY! And why stop at chess? Why not have other games like checkers or go or chinese chess or backgammon where students can play online?
Just wishing that I could integrate phpchess with Moodle ala LTI-style. That way students who are online could also play chess with each other...after all, chess is educational, right?
Installation Steps
Step 1: Got to http://www.phpchess.com/
Step 2: Click on the Download section
Step 3: Download phpChess 4.1 alpha test
Step 4: Extract the downloaded file named phpchess41.rar into a local folder
Step 5: Change the folder name to 'chess'.
Step 6: FTP the chess folder to your webserver
Step 7: Extract the zipped file phpChess 411 Update and FTP the contents to overwrite the folders and files of phpChess 4.1 alpha test core files in your webserver.
Step 8: Use MySQL Database Wizard (in CPanel) to create a MySQL database and an admin user (all provileges)
Step 9: Install phpChess by going to:
Step 10: Enter the necessary data (see example below)
Step 11: Click the 'Install Command Center".
The installer will create this account automatically
Password: 20091111
Password: 20091111
Step 12: Surf to http://www.yoursite.com/chess/
which will redirect to
which will redirect to
Step 13a: Login using
Password: 20091111
Step 13b: Login as Admin by surfing to Admin Dashboard at
Password: 20091111
Step 13b: Login as Admin by surfing to Admin Dashboard at
You can use this Video Tutorial as a guide:http://www.phpchess.com/tutorials/phpc_tut1.html
Hope this helps,
Frankie Kam
Frankie Kam
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